International Roaming BEREC Benchmark Data Report April 2019 – September 2019

The Report presents the results of the 24th round of data collection on European international roaming services undertaken by BEREC. The Report covers the period 1 October 2018 – 31 March 2019, i.e. the 4th quarter 2018 and 1st quarter 2019. The Report also includes data from previous rounds of data collection conducted by BEREC and its predecessor, the European Regulators Group (ERG). The earliest data is from the 2nd quarter 2007, when the Roaming Regulation was about to enter into force. The applicable regulatory framework for this data collection is Roaming Regulation (EU) No. 531/2012, as amended by Regulation (EU) No. 2120/2015 and by Regulation (EU) No. 2017/920, applied in the European Union (EU), which includes new requirements for the retail and wholesale regulated tariffs for voice, SMS and data roaming. The assessment of the international roaming market was based on the requirements set out in Article 19 (4) of the Roaming Regulation. In order to assess the competitive developments in the Union-wide roaming markets, BEREC is tasked with regularly collecting data from national regulatory authorities on the development of retail and wholesale charges for regulated voice, SMS and data roaming services, including wholesale charges applied for balanced and unbalanced roaming traffic respectively. It shall also collect data on the wholesale roaming agreements not subject to the maximum wholesale roaming charges provided for in Articles 7, 9 or 12 and on the implementation of contractual measures at wholesale level aiming to prevent permanent roaming or anomalous or abusive use of wholesale roaming access for purposes other than the provision of regulated roaming services to roaming providers’ customers while the latter are periodically travelling within the Union. On the basis of the collected data, BEREC also has to report regularly on the evolution of pricing and consumption patterns in the Member States for both domestic and roaming services, on the evolution of actual wholesale roaming rates for unbalanced traffic between roaming providers and on the relationship between retail prices, wholesale charges and wholesale costs for roaming services. BEREC shall assess how closely those elements relate to each other.The Report on Roaming contains five parts and two annexes. Chapter 2 is an Introduction to the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) Report and describes BEREC’s work on roaming based on the Roaming Regulation (EU) No. 531/2012, as amended by Regulation (EU) No. 2120/2015 and by Regulation (EU) No. 2017/920. The third Chapter “Regulatory evolution” outlines regulatory measures taken to reduce price levels for roaming services within the EU. The key findings of this Report are included in the fourth Chapter, “Main findings”. The fifth Chapter “Charts” presents the latest available data on the domestic mobile market and international roaming mobile market. “Annex I: Methodology for the data collection” provides a detailed description of the methodology for the current data collection. “Annex II: List of respondents” includes the list of operators that provided data for this Report. The Report is accompanied by a spreadsheet file enabling an easy and open access to the data included in the Report (published together with the Report) for the user.

Document number: BoR (20) 31
Document date: 05 March 2020
Date of registration: 10 March 2020
Document type:
Author: BEREC