The Register is structured chronologically and covers all categories of the documents issued by BEREC and the BEREC Office. Particularly, documents are organized into the following major categories:
Document Number Document date Document Title Document author
BoR PC02 (17) 06 Contribution by Tele2 to the BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC MTS 2018-2020 Tele2
BoR PC03 (17) 03 Contribution by Telefonica to the BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC Net Neutrality Regulatory Assessment Methodology Telefonica
BoR PC04 (17) 05 Contribution by Telefonica to the BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC Report on IP-Interconnection Practices in the context of Net Neutrality Telefonica
BoR PC03 (17) 07 Contribution by TIM to the BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC Net Neutrality Regulatory Assessment Methodology TIM
BoR PC02 (17) 13 Contribution by UGT to the BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC MTS 2018-2020 UGT
BoR PC03 (17) 15 Contribution by Vodafone to the BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC Net Neutrality Regulatory Assessment Methodology Vodafone
BoR (17) 132 Notice for the launch of the public consultation for the Net Neutrality Regulatory Assessment Methodology BEREC
BoR (17) 133 Notice for the launch of the public consultation on the review of the BEREC Strategy for 2018-2020 BEREC
BoR (17) 134 Notice for the public consultation on the BEREC Report on IP-Interconnection practices in the Context of Net Neutrality BEREC
BoR (17) 109 Draft BEREC Strategy 2018-2020 BEREC
BoR (17) 111 Draft BEREC Report on IP-Interconnection practices in the Context of Net Neutrality BEREC
BoR (17) 112 Draft Net Neutrality Regulatory Assessment Methodology BEREC
BoR PC01 (17) 005 Contribution by AOTEC to the BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC MTS 2018-2020 AOTEC
BoR PC01 (17) 001 Contribution by Cable Europe to the BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC Medium - Term Strategy for 2018-2020 Cable Europe
BoR PC01 (17) 002 Contribution by Coalizione del Fixed Wireless Access to the BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC MTS 2018-2020 Coalizione del Fixed Wireless Access
BoR PC01 (17) 009 Contribution by ECTA to the BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC MTS 2018-2020 ECTA
BoR PC01 (17) 011 Contribution by EDRi to the BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC MTS 2018-2020 EDRi
BoR PC01 (17) 011 Contribution by EDRi to the BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC MTS 2018-2020 EDRi
BoR PC01 (17) 014 Contribution by ETNO to the BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC MTS 2018-2020 ETNO
BoR PC01 (17) 013 Contribution by FTTH Council Europe _UGT_Roman Vilgut to the BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC MTS 2018-2020 FTTH Council Europe / UGT / Roman Vilgut