The Register is structured chronologically and covers all categories of the documents issued by BEREC and the BEREC Office. Particularly, documents are organized into the following major categories:
Document Number Document date Document Title Document author
BoR (15) 130 Agenda for the Riga Plenary Workshops, 30 September 2015 BEREC
BoR (15) 166 Communication concering a new Observer of the Board of Regulators from the Information and Communication Technologies Authority of Turkey Information and Communication Technologies Authority of Turkey
BoR (15) 129 Letter to BEREC Chair on merger of CMT, CNC and CNE Former CMT Chair B. L. Almendros and former CMT Board member X.O.Garai
BoR (15) 128 Agenda for the 3rd BEREC Stakeholder Forum meeting, 15 October 2015, Brussels BEREC
BoR (15) 125 PRD on Transparency and regulatory oversight regarding cross border parcels delivery BEREC
BoR (15) 123 PRD on BEREC's Input to the European Commission on the calculation of weighted average maximum MTRs in Europe for the purposes of international roaming according to Art. 6c para 2 of the proposed Roaming IV Regulation BEREC
BoR (15) 124 PRD on Guidelines for the implementation of NN provisions of the TSM Regulation BEREC
BoR (15) 122 Voting report for the outcome of the e-voting for PRDs for input to the EC on the calculation of weighted maximum MTRs in Europe and for the implementation of NN provisions of the TSM regulation BEREC Chair
BoR (15) 121 List of the Members and Observers of the Board of Regulators established pursuant to Article 4 (1) of Regulation (EC) No 1211/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2009 establishing BEREC and the Office BEREC Office
BoR (15) 118 Launch of the voting round on PRD guidelines for the implementation of NN provisions of the TSM Regulation BEREC Chair
BoR (15) 117 Launch of the voting round on the PRD Input to the EC on the Calculation of weighted maximum MTRs in Europe BEREC Chair
BoR (15) 120 Nomination of an Alternate to a Member of the Board of Regulators from the Malta Communications Authority - MCA The Head of the Malta Communications Authority, Member of the Board of Regulators
BoR (15) 116 Voting report on the draft BEREC document on Indicators on Bundles BEREC Chair
BoR (15) 114 Launch of the comments round for PRD for input to the EC on the Calculation of weighted maximum MTRs in Europe BEREC Chair
BoR (15) 115 Launch of the comments round on PRD for guidelines for the implementation of NN provisions of the TSM Regulation BEREC Chair
BoR (15) 113 Voting report on the final draft of the BoR Decision on the BEREC BMK Co-Chair BEREC Chair
BoR (15) 110 Launch of voting round on draft BEREC document on Indicators on Bundles BEREC Chair
BoR (15) 126 The EC letter to the BEREC Chair with request for BEREC input on weighted average of maximum MTR across Member States; wholesale roaming market; fair use policy and sustainability of domestic charging model EC, DG Connect
BoR (15) 111 Invitation to a conference on the revision of the Guidance to the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive European Commission, DG Justice and Consumers
BoR (15) 109 Launch of the voting round on the draft BEREC Decision on the Benchmarking Expert Working Group co-Chair BEREC Chair