BEREC Office quarterly Report on operation and budget execution October - December 2015

During its 10th plenary meeting (Vienna, 24 February 2012) the BEREC Office Management Committee (MC) requested the BEREC Office Administrative Manager (AM) to inform regularly the MC about the state of execution of the BEREC Office budget. Since the 19th MC plenary meeting (5-6 June 2014, Dublin) the AM has decided to expand the scope of the Report and to cover also key performance indicators and the state of the most important operational activities.

Therefore, the BEREC Office AM will present to the MC at its 26th plenary meeting (24-26 February 2016, Rotterdam) a detailed Report on the operation and budget execution in January-December 2015. The Report contains information on the operational activities, the budget execution by quarters and titles, the human resources management and information on the state of the key projects (BERECNet, study on future sector development, Info-Sharing Portal).

The Report contains also information about the state of discharge of the BEREC Office 2013 and 2014 and the state of implementation of the Internal Control Standards. The execution of the Budget is presented by budget lines and by fund source and contains additional information for each budget line about the amounts committed and paid, the budget available for the rest of year and the corresponding percentages of the budget line totals.

The document is for internal use and not available to the public.

This current document is a part of internal decision making process and is not available to public.
BEREC Office quarterly Report on operation and budget execution October - December 2015 PDF -
Document number: MC (16) 19
Document date: 21 January 2016
Date of registration: 10 February 2016
Author: BEREC Office AM