Public Consultation on the draft BEREC Guidelines on the Implementation of the Open Internet Regulation

BEREC has prepared an update to the BEREC Net Neutrality Guidelines that have been re-named the BEREC Guidelines on the Implementation of the Open Internet Regulation. BEREC is now inviting all stakeholders to submit their observations and contributions regarding the draft Guidelines.

This document serves three purposes. Firstly, it provides information regarding the on-going public consultation and the work done in BEREC. Secondly, it provides information regarding the draft guidelines identifying and explaining the major clarifications performed. Thirdly, it describes additional questions regarding paragraphs 69 and 70 (the paragraphs that address the issue of monitoring of specific content) for which BEREC is also interested in receiving feedback from the stakeholders.

Document number: BoR (19) 180
Document date: 03 October 2019
Date of registration: 10 October 2019
Document type:
Author: BEREC