BEREC High level statement on the need for a minimum set of competences for independent NRAs in the European Electronic Communications Code

In September 2016, BEREC warmly welcomed the Commission’s proposal to provide NRAs with a common minimum set of competences and to strengthen their independence. The Commission’s proposal builds on the experience gained from three decades of telecoms regulation and caters to the future of the electronic communications in Europe as a competitive industry.At a time when significant investment in networks is required and the digitalization of the industry is underway, the promotion of the internal market should be a high priority for Europe at the core of both the current sectoral review and the wider Digital Single Market strategy. By building on the independent technical expertise they have developed over the years, NRAs are best placed to contribute effectively to the promotion of the internal market.

Document number: BoR (17) 194
Document date: 05 October 2017
Date of registration: 11 October 2017
Document type:
Author: BEREC