15 June 2022

BEREC publishes the received stakeholders' input to the public consultation on the draft BEREC Guidelines on the Implementation of the Open Internet Regulation

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BEREC publishes the received stakeholders' input to the public consultation on the draft BEREC Guidelines on the Implementation of the Open Internet Regulation

The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) has prepared an update to the BEREC Guidelines on the Implementation of the Open Internet Regulation (Open Internet Guidelines) in light of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) rulings on the Open Internet Regulation (OIR) issued on 2 September 2021.

A draft of the updated Guidelines was issued for consultation from 15 March to 14 April 2022. Throughout this process, the European Commission has cooperated closely with BEREC.

BEREC welcomes all contributions and thanks all stakeholders for their submissions. In total, BEREC received 22 responses to the public consultation from various types of stakeholders. 20 contributions have been published, as two stakeholders provided a confidential version only. One contribution was received after the above-mentioned deadline and has thus not been taken into account for this public consultation.

In accordance with the BEREC policy on public consultations, BEREC has published a summary of all received contributions, respecting confidentiality requests. All contributions are published on BEREC’s Public Register, taking into account requests for confidentiality and publication of personal data.

The non-confidential responses were received from: