Public Consultation on draft BEREC Report on Internet of Things Indicators
BEREC has, in recent years and like many other organisations, started to consider the implications of the Internet of Things (IoT).
BEREC has prepared this call for input with the aim of getting insights from all types of actors (consumers, companies in the telecommunications sector, digital companies, other companies, institutions) on issues to be taken into account by NRAs in the context of BEREC’s approach to monitoring and collecting statistical information on the IoT. Specifically, BEREC is interested in the following issues that are addressed in the different sections of the public consultation:
- General issues regarding the collection of statistical information on the IoT, including a BEREC definition of the IoT.
- BEREC’s IoT universe, discussing the applications and network technologies that BEREC and NRAs should consider with respect to monitoring the IoT.
- Effect of the IoT on NRA spectrum policies and scarce resources, covering the extent to which NRAs should monitor and BEREC should benchmark IoT developments and the effects of such developments on spectrum and numbering requirements.
- The importance of IoT indicators for BEREC, focusing on what NRAs currently collect and the potential future approach of BEREC in this area.
Responses to this consultation will be used in the preparation of the final report on Internet of Things Indicators.
In accordance with the BEREC policy on public consultations, BEREC will publish a summary of all received contributions, respecting confidentiality requests.
The public consultation ran from 12 December 2018 to 23 January 2019.
All stakeholders were invited to submit their contributions via the new BEREC online public consultation tool on by 23 January 17:00 CET 2019.
Alternatively, contributions could also be submitted to the e-mail address.
All contributions will be published on the BEREC website, taking into account requests for confidentiality and publication of personal data. Any such requests should be clearly indicated as: “Consider this contribution as confidential” or, if submitted via e-mail, by clearly stating which information is considered confidential.