BEREC report on the public consultation of the draft review of the BEREC Common Position on geographical aspects of market analysis (definition and remedies)

The BEREC Board of Regulators discussed and adopted at its 17th plenary meeting (5-6 December 2013, Budapest) the Draft BEREC Common Position on geographical aspects of market analysis (definition and remedies).

In accordance with the 2013 BEREC Work Programme, the aforementioned draft was published for public consultation, which ran in the period 10 December 2013 to 7 February 2014. During the public consultation BEREC received 14 contributions from the stakeholders. According to Article 4 of the Decision of the Board of Regulators on the BEREC procedures for public consultations, BEREC prepared a summary of all contributions received and an explanation how the views expressed during the consultation were taken into account in the final common position.

This summary is presented in the report provided below. The final BEREC Common Position on geographic aspects of market analysis (definition and remedies) as approved by the Board of Regulators during its 19th plenary meeting was also published together with the whole documentation related to the consultation.

In accordance with the BEREC's policy on public consultations, BEREC has published all individual stakeholders' contributions with the exception of those ones, for which the stakeholders requested confidential treatment.

BEREC takes this opportunity to thank to all stakeholders, who submitted contributions to the public consultation and thus contributed to making the works of BEREC more effective!

Document number: BoR (14) 72
Document date: 05 June 2014
Date of registration: 01 June 2014
Document type:
Author: BEREC