EMF related country-specific information for Norway

Cooperation of the National Regulatory Authority (NRA) + Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (DSA) (responsible for electromagnetic radiation)

Involvement of Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) + Installation Industry

Online Radiation Calculator (for calculating the exposure level at a specific geographic point)

NRA NRA responsible for setting exposure limits on Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) NRA responsible for monitoring EMF EMF material published by NRA NRA publishes EMF measurements Cooperation between NRA and other competent authorities responsible for EMF Other noteworthy country specific practices ICNIRP exposure level used
Nkom, NO No Yes Yes Yes Yes http://www.nkom.no/fysiske-nett-og-infrastruktur/elektromagnetisk-straling Yes: ICNIRP 2020

    Nkom collaborates closely with the DSA on questions regarding electromagnetic radiation. The DSA is the national authority in the field of radiation protection and provides general information, advice and guidance on possible health effects associated with exposure to EMF.

    Nkom measures and documents radiation from electronic equipment and the DSA uses the measurements from Nkom and others to assess health risks and provide general health advice and guidance. Nkom has also measured early test sites (base stations) for 5G.

    As part of the collaboration, Nkom and the DSA have collaborated with the mobile operators and the installation industry, on calculations and measurements for all the main types of antenna installations. These results have been used to prepare diagrams and calculate restricted zones in front of antennas. Nkom participates in a working group that considers the marking of restricted zones.

    The authorities have produced several information brochures on radiation together, amongst others a folder with general information and a folder for installers.

    Nkom has published information on EMF:

    Nkom has also constructed an online radiation calculator where the public may calculate exposure level at specific geographic point. The service calculates a theoretical level from all the base stations, also base stations for 5G that are within a radius of at least 500 meters. This is quite a popular service. Since 2013, Nkom has carried out long-term measurements in of the largest cities in Norway in a collaborative project with the DSA. In this project, we look at the development of radiation in a city over time. Nkom measures the level in the same place at the same time four times a year.