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150 Results: BEREC / Opinions
Displaying 1 - 10 of 150 results
Document Number Document Date Document title Document author
BoR (25) 21 BEREC Opinion on Meta’s reference offers to facilitate Messenger and WhatsApp interoperability under Article 7 of the Digital Markets Act BEREC
BoR (25) 04 BEREC Opinion on Phase II case SE/2024/2555-2556 BEREC
BoR (24) 180 BEREC Opinion on the market and technological developments and on their impact on the application of rights of end-users in the EECC (Article 123) BEREC
BoR (24) 188 BEREC Opinion on the methodology for the mapping of QoS coverage of Connectivity Indicators for the DDPP BEREC
BoR (24) 190 BEREC Opinion on the national implementation and functioning of the general authorisation, and on their impact on the functioning of the internal market, pursuant to Article 122, paragraph 3 EECC BEREC
BoR (24) 101 BEREC draft Opinion on the national implementation and functioning of the general authorisation, and on their impact on the functioning of the internal market, pursuant to Article 122, paragraph 3 EECC BEREC
BoR (24) 78 BEREC Opinion on Meta’s reference offer published in March 2024 to facilitate WhatsApp interoperability under Article 7 of the Digital Markets Act BEREC
BoR (24) 57 BEREC Opinion on Phase II investigation pursuant to Article 32 of Directive (EU) 2018/1972 - Case MT/2024/2484 Wholesale physical and virtual infrastructure access market BEREC
BoR (24) 19 BEREC Opinion on Meta's draft reference offer to facilitate WhatsApp interoperability under Article 7 of the Digital Markets Act BEREC
BoR (23) 83 BEREC Opinion on the draft Gigabit Recommendation BEREC
Displaying 1 - 10 of 150 results