Public consultation on draft BEREC Guidelines on the Implementation of the Open Internet Regulation

BEREC invited all stakeholders to submit their observations and contributions regarding the draft BEREC Open Internet Guidelines (only for information purposes, a version with track changes is provided). The public consultation was open from 15 March 2022 to 14 April 2022.

In addition to the draft Guidelines, BEREC has also prepared an explanatory document, which serves three purposes. Firstly, it provided information regarding the public consultation and the work done in BEREC. Secondly, it provided information regarding the draft guidelines and explained the major clarifications and changes performed. Thirdly, it outlined BEREC's reading of the ECJ rulings to open the reasoning for these proposed changes to the BEREC Open Internet Guidelines.

In accordance with the BEREC policy on public consultations, BEREC is going to publish a summary of all received contributions, respecting confidentiality requests. All contributions are to be published on the BEREC website, taking into account requests for confidentiality and publication of personal data. Stakeholders can request confidentiality of all or part of the documents submitted to a public consultation, upon submission. If there is no clear indication that all or part of the documents are confidential, BEREC will presume that the documents can be made available to the public. Please note that it is also possible to submit both a confidential and a public version of a given contribution.

All stakeholders were invited to submit their contributions to the following email address by 14 April 2022 17:00 CET.

For further information regarding Open Internet rules in the EU, please visit the BEREC website’s dedicated page on the topic under Open Internet.