Call for input on BEREC Work Programme 2020

Each year, following consultation with interested parties, the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) adopts a Work Programme (WP) for the following calendar year. This process is, like last year, beginning with a call for input. In that respect, and to achieve as broad a stakeholder input as possible, BEREC is looking for your input, in order to understand your priorities and get some suggestions on topics to be considered for BEREC’s work in 2020.

This call for input will be part of the first stage of what will be a two-stage process, whereby projects suggested by external stakeholders will be appraised, consolidated and prioritised, in order to form a draft WP 2020. The second stage, on 16 October 2019, we are arranging 7th BEREC Stakeholder Forum to further consult with our stakeholders as part of the process to finalise the WP 2020. A public consultation on the draft WP 2020 will be held in October.

Like last year, stakeholders were asked to submit their proposals through an online tool, which will facilitate a convenient and consistent format for both stakeholders and BEREC.

Responses to this call for input had to be submitted through public consultations online tool

Submissions were requested not later than Tuesday, 23 April 2019 18:00 CET.