On 16 October, in Brussels, BEREC will hold its 7th Stakeholder Forum. The stakeholders from the telecoms and digital communications industries will have the opportunity to interact with BEREC on cybersecurity in the context of...
Today BEREC Chair Jeremy Godfrey (ComReg, Ireland), with the Co-Chairs of the Roaming and Markets & Economic Analysis Working Groups, presented the outcomes of the 39th Board of Regulators ordinary meetings. The public debriefing took...
Today BEREC Chair Jeremy Godfrey (ComReg, Ireland), with the Co-Chairs of the Roaming and Markets & Economic Analysis Working Groups, presented the outcomes of the 39th Board...
Together with the Co-Chairs of the Roaming and Markets & Economic Analysis Working Groups, BEREC Chair Jeremy Godfrey (ComReg, Ireland) will present the outcomes of the 39th Board of Regulators ordinary meetings. The public debriefing...
In the light of the new European Electronic Communications Code, the Board of Regulators of the Body of European Regulators of Electronic Communications (BEREC) adopted guidelines on intra-EU communications, starting...
From 15 May 2019, any retail price (excluding VAT) charged to consumers for regulated intra-EU communications shall not exceed EUR 0.19 per minute for calls and EUR 0.06 per SMS message. The new rules on...
BEREC Chair Jeremy Godfrey (ComReg, Ireland) will present the outcomes of the 38th Board of Regulators ordinary meetings, which is the first meeting after the adoption of the European Electronic Communications Code. The public debriefing...
Today BEREC Chair Johannes Gungl presented the outcomes of the 37th Plenary Meetings to the public. This Public Debriefing by the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications was held in Brussels, Belgium.