17 December 2020

BEREC welcomes EC proposal for new rules to ensure open, fair and contestable digital markets

The image shows the BEREC logo with the text News, PR, Publications on a blue background with shapes in white

The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) welcomes the proposal by the European Commission for new rules to ensure fair and open digital markets (The Digital Markets Act) and for new rules to create a safer and more open digital space (The Digital Services Act).

These initiatives are very much needed. Effectively, while users, businesses and society at large have benefited from digital platforms, concerns have risen about the state of competition, innovation and openness in the digital environment. In order to address these concerns, establishing a well-designed ex-ante regulatory framework can pave the way for an efficient, proportionate and predictable regulatory scheme to the benefit of European citizens and businesses.

BEREC has for the past year been actively engaged in the discussion on how to address concerns raised by large digital platforms acting as gatekeepers and has shared its views on how a new and efficient ex-ante regulatory framework could be designed.

The model proposed by BEREC is based on its members’ considerable experience in the regulation of electronic communication services. Over two decades, this regulatory framework has successfully opened monopolistic markets to new players and constantly ensured that competition is effective and sustainable, that efficient investments are made and that digital environments remain open.

BEREC considers that its experience in applying an ex-ante regulatory framework for electronic communication services can provide useful insights for the proposed regulations. Looking forward to 2021, BEREC stands ready to continue its engagement with EU institutions and other relevant stakeholders to help design a successful ex-ante regulation for digital gatekeepers.