21 August 2012
BEREC unveils its new public website

The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) unveils its new public website
The new official website of BEREC has gone on line with the aim of providing effective and timely information to all European citizens, businesses, stakeholders and to the BEREC community itself.
Georg Serentschy, BEREC Chair 2012, stated:
The launch of the website is one of many steps BEREC has taken to increase awareness of its activities, its role and its responsibilities in the vital electronic communications sector.
Moreover, this fundamental communication tool makes it easier to comply with EU transparency rules and obligations regarding public access to BEREC documents, strengthening the Body’s interaction with the outside world.
In order to reach BEREC’s communication objectives, the new website has been structured as follows:
- an information section which introduces BEREC and its Office explaining their competences, roles and main activities according to their establishing Regulation (EC) No 1211/2009;
- an up-to-date overview section regarding public events and documentation onBEREC meetings;
- a Register of documents section, where the entire body of BEREC official documentation is stored with a search engine to facilitate the access to the documents;
- a section about BEREC procedures concerning Article 7 and 7a of the revised EU regulatory framework on market remedies;
- a section regarding the BEREC public consultations and news;
- sections with direct access to the latest press releases and upcoming events.
Furthermore, the new website contributes to increasing the transparency of the BEREC Office administrative procedures by providing information on the public procurement and recruitment.
Finally, the new web site offers an RSS feed functionality and the ability for all interested parties to subscribe to receive email updates about BEREC’s activities.
The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) and its Office was established by Regulation (EC) No 1211/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2009, as part of the Telecom Reform package. It replaced the European Regulators Group for electronic communications networks and services which was established as an advisory group to the Commission in 2002.
BEREC contributes to the development and better functioning of the internal market for electronic communications networks and services. It does so, by aiming to ensure a consistent application of the EU regulatory framework for electronic communications and by promoting an effective internal market in telecoms sector, in order to bring even greater benefits to consumers and businesses alike. The BEREC Office, an EU Body with legal personality and located in Riga (Latvia), provides professional and administrative support services to BEREC.
For more information, please contact:
e-mail: [email protected],
tel. +371 6611 7590,
website: berec.europa.eu