28 February 2017
BEREC seeks input to its draft Medium-Term Strategy 2018-2020

On 8 March 2017, in Brussels, BEREC will hold a public debriefing to launch a public consultation to seek early inputs to its draft Medium-Term Strategy 2018-2020 and invite stakeholders to take an active role in this process. In addition, the BEREC Chair (Sebastien Soriano) will provide an update on the outcomes of BEREC’s 30th plenary meetings. The BEREC Chair will also give an overview of the BEREC’s work in 2017 and the main outcomes foreseen.
BEREC expects stakeholders’ inputs to improve its action
With the launch of the public consultation, BEREC seeks input from stakeholders at the earliest possible stage, in order to understand the varying views and opinions on what market and technological developments might influence the new Medium-Term Strategy.
Mid-Term Strategy to be adopted in October 2017
After collecting the various inputs, a draft Medium-Term Strategy will be completed and a second public consultation will be conducted after the 31st BEREC plenary meetings in June. The final version of the Medium-Term Strategy is expected to be adopted in October 2017.
Release of a new online tool to facilitate participation to BEREC public consultations
To facilitate the public consultations for the Medium-Term Strategy, BEREC will utilise its new online public consultation tool which was recently deployed by the BEREC Office. Sebastien Soriano, BEREC Chair 2017, will provide further information about the documents adopted at BEREC’s 30th plenary meetings:
- BEREC update survey on the implementation and application of the universal service provisions;
- Summary report on the outcomes of the Workshop on IoT technologies and their impact on regulation.
Join us
Media representatives are welcome to join the BEREC public debriefing. To register your participation please fill out the online form before 6 March 2017: http://berec.europa.eu/eng/events/berec_events_2017/141-public-debriefing-from-the-30th-berec-plenary-meetings
Meeting venue, time: Belgian Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunications, Ellipse Building, Bâtiment C, Boulevard du Roi Albert II 35 - 1030 Brussels, from 10:00-11:30 (CET).
The event will also be live-streamed on BEREC’s website (www.berec.europa.eu), and questions can be addressed to speakers via Twitter #BERECpublic or email: [email protected]. A recording of the event will be made available afterwards.
Interview Requests
To request an interview with the BEREC Chair or Johan Rydberg (PTS), the lead drafter responsible for BEREC’s Medium-Term Strategy, please email details of your request (your name, media organization and the subject of your interview, etc.) to [email protected] by 6 March, 2017.
Note for editors
In 2017, BEREC is set to review its current Medium-Term Strategy to make sure that its work stays relevant in relation to the major developments in the digital ecosystem. The Medium-Term Strategy has the function of guiding BEREC´s work in the medium term (2018-2020) and it serves as the blueprint for BEREC´s annual work programmes. The current iteration of the Medium-Term Strategy was published in 2014, establishing three overarching strategic objectives that follow from the policy objectives and regulatory principles that its members apply in accordance with Article 8 of the Framework Directive:
- Promoting competition and investment,
- Promoting the internal market and Empowering, and
- Protecting end-users.
BEREC enters the process of the review of the Medium-Term Strategy maintaining its commitment to these three strategic objectives.