18 July 2012
3rd BEREC plenary, 27-28 May 2010, Helsinki

The Body of European Regulators of Electronic Communications held its third plenary meeting, hosted by the Finnish Regulator, in Helsinki on 27th and 28th of May 2010.
During this meeting, the Board of Regulators approved a number of important documents, in particular the BEREC opinion on the draft recommendation on regulated access to Next Generation Access networks (NGA). This is the first BEREC opinion formally requested by the European Commission under the new European regulatory framework.
The Management Committee of the BEREC Office also held its 3rd meeting and decided on essential steps regarding staffing and administrative procedures to be carried out in order to ensure a timely setting up of the BEREC office. In addition, the Management Committee selected Mr. Ando Rehemaa for appointment as Administrative Manager of the BEREC Office (see BEREC press release published on 28 May).
The other documents approved for publication by the Board of Regulators at the Helsinki Plenary were :
- BEREC Common Statement on NGN future charging mechanisms – long-term termination issues. This specifically assesses Bill and Keep as an alternative to the current calling Party Network Pays (CPNP) interconnection regime. While the economic analysis of this Common Statement suggests that in the long run Bill and Keep is the preferred option, NRAs final conclusions depend on country specific evidence and facts. This Common Statement incorporates the findings of the consultation held at the end of 2009. The arguments raised in this consultation and the conclusions drawn by BEREC are laid out in a comprehensive Consultation Report also published today.
- BEREC Report on Universal Service – Reflections for the future. This provides an overview of the current status of the universal service system in BEREC countries and analyses the national plans for stimulating broadband within BEREC countries and their relation to universal service.
- BEREC Action Plan for conformity with the ERG common position on symmetry of termination rates. This is part of the monitoring programme on past common positions announced by BEREC in its work programme
- Access to documents – in conformity with article 22 of the BEREC Regulation, the Board of Regulators and the Management Committee adopted practical measures for applying EU framework on access to documents.
- BEREC expert working group structure. As successor to ERG, BEREC formally adopted a working group structure for the 2010 work programme.
The Board of Regulators agreed on the launching of two public consultations to be run in parallel until 2 July :
- BEREC consultation procedures : as announced in the BEREC work programme for 2010 following the request expressed by some stakeholders, BEREC will seek opinions on consultations procedures and methodologies
- BEREC draft report on best practices to facilitate switching. This analyses national conditions and practices in respect of dealing with obstacles to switching between electronic communications providers
The Board of Regulators also approved for publication the MTR snapshot at 1 January 2010. As announced by ERG last year in order to increase transparency this report includes the individual mobile termination tariffs by operator.
The meeting also reviewed the state of work on some important work items planned for this year, in particular on roaming and Net Neutrality.
The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) and the Office were established by the Regulation (EC) No. 1211/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2009. BEREC is comprised of a Board of Regulators consisting of Heads of 27 national regulatory authorities (NRAs). The EU Commission, EFTA States (Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein and three EU candidate States (Turkey, Croatia and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) participate as observers to the Board of Regulators. The roles and tasks of BEREC are set out in articles 2 and 3 of the Regulation. The Office is a Community Body established by the same Regulation in order to provide professional and administrative support to BEREC.
For more information please contact:
[email protected] Tel +32 (0) 2 29 87380 –Website http://berec.europa.eu
[email protected] Tel +32 (0)2 210 60 70 - Website www.irg.eu