05 March 2015

Public debriefing from the 22th BEREC plenary: presentations available

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On 4 March 2015 in Brussels BEREC presented the results from its 22nd plenary meeting, which took place on 26 and 27 February 2015 in Bern (Switzerland) and the BEREC public Workshop on Oligopoly Analysis and Regulation which took place on 25 February 2015 prior to the plenaries.

The BEREC Chair 2015, Prof. Fatima Barros, informed the participants of the debriefing on major concerns on Digital Single market the participants of the Plenary have raised, among them:
-  high speed broadband availability for the rural and sparsely populated areas;
-  framework, that ensures the consumers to engage with digital services with more confidence;
-  emerging completion and the consumer rights.

The Administrative Manager of the BEREC Office, Lazslo Igneczi, presented the new approach to more transparent communication, presenting the tools the BEREC office use for communication. In order to emphasize the BEREC commitments to increase the transparency, for the first time the public debriefing was live streamed and the videos will be later available also on BEREC Youtube channel.

As the BEREC 22nd Plenary meeting was preceded by a public workshop to discuss the emergence of oligopolies in both fixed and mobile markets, and consider whether existing regulatory tools are adequate to address the potential for “collective dominance”, during the public debriefing Jorge Infante Gonzales (Co-Chair of the BEREC Market and Economic Analysis Expert Working Group) presented the major issues on the question in matter.

Draft report on oligopoly to be approved in the BEREC 23rd Plenary meeting in Bergen, Norway in 6 June and definitive report will be published on December, 2015.


Fátima Barros, BEREC Chair 2015 - Outcomes BEREC 22nd Plenary Meeting 26-27 February 2015

Laszlo Igneczi BEREC Office Administrative Manager - Information by the BEREC Office

Jorge  Infante González  (BEREC) -  BEREC Workshop on Oligopolies Analysis and Regulation (Bern, February 25th)