12 February 2024

BEREC delegation learns about digital transformation in Brazil


With the aim of exchanging ideas on global trends in technology and changing business models, and fostering greater cooperation between EU and South America in the area of digital regulation, the BEREC delegation visited Brazil. The study trip in Brasília and São Paulo took place from 5 to 9 February 2024.

Artificial Intelligence, digital markets and cybersecurity

During the meetings with the National Telecommunications Agency, the Brazilian Ministry of Communications, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation and the Chair of the Science, Technology, and Innovation Committee of Brazilian Chamber of Deputies which is the legislative branch of the Brazilian government, the BEREC Chair and Vice-Chairs exchanged ideas and engaged in productive discussions on regulating Artificial Intelligence, digital markets and cybersecurity. The representatives of the European telecom regulator presented the main recent EU regulatory developments, including AI, DMA, DSA and Data Act. The Brazilian authorities provided information on the current implementation status of Brazil’s digital transformation strategy, which aims to fully explore the digital revolution and take advantage of the information and knowledge society’s benefits as well as the regulatory initiatives on digital markets.

Digital inclusion and connectivity

The BEREC delegation visited the owner of Brazil’s largest neutral fibre optic network, V.tal, which serves as one of the enablers of the national digital transformation. During the study trip, the BEREC mini-board also had the opportunity to meet the largest Latin American research and development centre in the field of telecommunications and information technologies: the CPQD (Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Telecomunicações).

Thanks to the study trip, the BEREC Chair and Vice-Chairs also learned more about connectivity in Brazil through a meeting with their Brazilian counterpart, the national telecoms agency ANATEL and the Brazilian Ministry of Communications. Both authorities introduced the BEREC delegation to the new and ongoing projects, including the Connected North Program to ensure digital inclusion and connectivity.

The visit to Brazil also included meetings with the largest mobile operator in Brazil Vivo, a Brazilian supplier for high-capacity optical transport technology and systems PADTEC, the regional operators association Telcomp, and the Brazilian Network Information Center, a non-profit civil entity which is assigned with the administrative and operational functions relating to the .br domain and is also responsible for activities related to the available Internet infrastructure in Brazil including the internet exchange system.

BEREC Chair Tonko Obuljen will present the key outcomes of the study trip at the upcoming public debriefing to be held on 13 March 2024 online.

Composition of delegation

The BEREC delegation consisted of Mr Tonko Obuljen, BEREC Chair; Ms Patrícia Silva Gonçalves, Ms Laure de La Raudière, Mr Kostas Masselos and Mr Robert Mourik, BEREC Vice-Chairs; and Mr László Ignéczi, Director of the BEREC Office.