22 May 2020

The overall internet traffic in Europe continues to stabilize, says the BEREC summary report

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The updated BEREC summary report on internet capacity during the COVID-19 crisis includes the most recent data provided to BEREC by its constituent national regulatory authorities as of 19 May 2020. It shows that no major congestion issues occurred.

In light of the fixed and mobile network traffic situation stabilizing, some NRAs have reduced the regularity of collecting the data on a weekly basis, however, operators are still obliged to report in case of drastic changes to the network traffic.

As in many European countries the confinement measures are eased, some NRAs have informed on rescheduling the interrupted spectrum auctions. For example, in Austria the spectrum 700 MHz, 1500 MHz and 2.1 GHz bands auctions will resume for the second half of August. Finland will start the spectrum auction for 26 GHz band in the beginning of June as planned.

With the increase of disinformation on the possible connection between the mobile technologies and the COVID-19, some countries reported on the attacks against telecommunications facilities. In order to disperse the false information an information campaigns to raise awareness on mobile technologies are taking place.