05 October 2023

Robert Mourik from ComReg, Ireland to lead BEREC in 2025

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The image shows the incoming BEREC Chair 2025, Robert MourikOn 5 October 2023, the Board of Regulators (BoR) has elected the current BEREC Vice-chair and Commissioner of the Irish Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg, Ireland), Robert Mourik, as the new BEREC Chair for 2025.

With almost 30 years of experience in the telecoms sector as an industry executive and government official, the elected incoming BEREC Chair began his career in 1991 in the Dutch Department for Transport and Telecommunication, followed by serving as Telecom Attaché at the Netherlands’ Permanent Representation in Brussels from 1994 to 1999. He was also a Member and Chair of the Council Telecoms Working Group in 1998, when the first telecom regulatory package was adopted. Prior to his current role at ComReg, Robert Mourik worked for Telefónica, Vodafone Group, and Cubic Telecom, then a new entrant in the automotive IoT space.

Commenting on his appointment, Mr Mourik said: “There is no greater honour than being elected by your peers, and I am excited to take up the role of incoming BEREC Chair 2025. The communications sector is at an important inflection point and European regulation is adapting to new realities. BEREC has a crucial role fostering high-quality regulation to promote investment and connectivity, for the benefit of all European citizens, and I look forward to working with all my colleagues to continue that work. I also extend my congratulations to the newly elected Vice-Chairs who will help us achieve our goals in the coming years.”

BEREC Vice-Chairs and the mini board

During the 56th BEREC ordinary meeting, the Board of Regulators elected the BEREC Vice Chairs for 2024. Next year, the mini board will consist of Patrícia Silva Gonçalves, a member of the Board of ANACOM, Portugal, and Laure de La Raudière, Chairwoman of Arcep, France. Additionally, the current BEREC Chair, Kostas Masselos, EETT, Greece, and the incoming BEREC Chair, Robert Mourik, will serve as Vice-Chairs to the BEREC Chair 2024 Tonko Obuljen, HAKOM, Croatia. The Board of Regulators also elected a representative of participants without voting rights to complement the mini-board. In 2024, Hrafnkell V. Gíslason, the Managing Director of ECOI, Iceland will fulfil this role.

Appointment procedure

The Board of Regulators elects its Chair and Vice-Chairs from among its members for a one-year term to ensure continuity. Before serving as a Chair, the individual must be a Vice-Chair for one year. Additionally, the Chair must serve as a Vice-Chair for the year following their term as Chair. The Vice-Chairs and Chair are elected for the following year and the year after, respectively.