06 May 2020

Regulation in times of pandemic – join discussion by BEREC and IIC

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The COVID-19 pandemic has forced all industry players to take action to support the strategies of national governments aimed at reducing the risks and negative impact on the economy. The essential role of ICT and digital sectors is undisputed, enabling and supporting emergency communications, connectivity sustainability and the deployment of infrastructure in urban and rural areas. Regulators have taken a number of steps for guarantying the continuity of services. How might these actions inform and facilitate future modernisation of current regulatory frameworks?

On 12 May 2020 at 16:00 (CEST) BEREC and the International Institute of Communications (IIC) organises a webinar to discuss European regulators’ and policy makers decisions and initiatives taken in response to the pandemic against a backdrop of consumer protection and universal access to essential information and services. Spectrum management, net neutrality regimes, novel health management apps and privacy protection, and combatting disinformation will be among the list of important themes for discussion.

Keynote speaker: Roberto Viola, Director-General, DG Connect, European Commission 

Dan Sjöblom, BEREC Chair 2020, Director General (PTS, Sweden)
Antonio De Tommaso, Director of EU and International Affairs, (AGCOM, Italy)
Wilhelm Eschweiler, Vice President, (BNetzA, Germany)
Lindsey Fussel, Group Director, Consumer and External Relations (Ofcom, UK)

Moderator: Jeremy Godfrey, BEREC Vice-Chair, Commissioner (ComReg, Ireland)

The event is open to all interested parties and will be streamed on the BEREC website landing page. Streaming window will appear 5-10 min before the event. We welcome questions to the speakers, please send them in by email to [email protected] before 12 May 11.00 CEST. Registration for the event is already open.