01 June 2020

Next BEREC public debriefing goes online and offers live engagement

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Due to travelling restrictions and social measures applied across Europe, on 16 June 2020, BEREC will organize its traditional public debriefing, online. The event will take place from 14:30 – 16:00 CEST and will be livestreamed on the BEREC website.

Together with the BEREC Chair Dan Sjöblom, the BEREC Co-Chairs of various BEREC working groups will present the documents adopted during the 43rd BEREC ordinary plenary meeting. The speakers of the public debriefing will introduce the new BEREC Strategy, which is one of the core document providing strategic orientations to map BEREC’s actions and gives a solid base for the future BEREC annual work programmes.

During the public debriefing, the speakers will explain the adopted BEREC Guidelines on public warning systems and update on Member States’ best practices to support the defining of adequate broadband Internet Access Service. The Co-Chairs of the Open Internet Working Group will introduce the audience with the update of the BEREC Guidelines on the implementation of the Open Internet Regulation.  The BEREC Chair will also present the ongoing work related to cybersecurity of 5G Networks.

During the public debriefing, the BEREC Chair will launch three public consultations on:

  • Draft BEREC Guidelines on the criteria for a consistent application of Article 61 (3);
  • Draft BEREC Report on the impact of 5G on regulation and the role of regulation in enabling the 5G ecosystem;
  • Draft BEREC Guidelines to foster the consistent application of the criteria for assessing co-investments in new very high capacity network elements (Article 76 EECC).

The BEREC Chair will also inform stakeholders on a special reporting mechanism regarding the status of internet capacity in light of COVID-19 crisis and other national measures against the pandemic.

Important: Stakeholders who would like to interact live and ask questions to the speakers, should indicate this interest when registering to the event. On the day of the event, those participants will receive the dial-in details and instructions for interaction with the speakers during the public debriefing.  

The rest of registered participants will receive reminders and updates on the event in coming days.