24 April 2020

New date of the 8th BEREC Stakeholder Forum – 19 October 2020

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With the optimistic view that the worldwide outbreak of the COVID-19 will decline by the second half of the year, BEREC has announced a new date for the postponed BEREC Stakeholder Forum. It will take place on 19 October, 2020, at the Thon EU Hotel in Brussels, Belgium.

As previously announced, during the Stakeholder Forum, interested parties will have the opportunity to informally meet and greet the BEREC Working Group Co-Chairs. There will be multiple 10 minutes questions-and-answers sessions available, upon prior registration. During these sessions, the BEREC experts will be available to give some technical clarification within the scope of their expertise, in their respective BEREC Working Groups. The “Meet & Greet” session will take place from 09:30 until 12:00.

The stakeholders, who have already registered for this session, will be approached separately to confirm or release the blocked session(s). Opening of the registration for the available sessions will be announced at a later stage.

Earlier this year BEREC has already outlined the main topic of the Stakeholder Forum, namely - regulation of digital platforms. Stakeholders are invited to follow the thematic discussions relevant to the current challenges in telecoms market and it’s regulation, as well actively engage in the Q&A session with the current BEREC Chair Dan Sjöblom (PTS, Sweden) and the incoming BEREC Chair Michel Van Bellinghen (BIPT, Belgium).

More information on agenda and registration will follow.

To receive the most updated information on the BEREC events, documents adopted and invitations to public consultations, please subscribe to Stakeholders mailing list.

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 in the world, BEREC had to postpone the Stakeholders Forum initially planned on 1 April 2020.  Instead, to engage with the stakeholders, BEREC organised a webinar. During the virtual meeting, the BEREC Chair Dan Sjöblom and the incoming Chair 2021 Michel Van Bellinghen presented to the stakeholders the draft BEREC Strategy and an outline of the draft BEREC Work Programme 2021. They also responded to multiple questions provided by the stakeholders.