24 January 2013

New BEREC Opinion on a phase II investigation on the market for call termination at a fixed location in the Czech Republic

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BEREC adopted a new Opinion on a phase II investigation in relation to the market for call termination on individual public telephone networks provided at a fixed location (market 3) in the Czech Republic (Case CZ/2012/1392).

The Opinion of BEREC on this case was adopted following a communication from the European Commission of 10 December 2012 to the Czech National Regulatory Authority, CTU, and BEREC in which the Commission expressed its serious doubts that the draft measure would create a barrier to the internal market.

In its opinion, dated 21 January 2013, BEREC states that the expressed serious doubts by the European Commission are not justified. More specific information about BEREC’s assessment can be found in the opinion itself accessible through the current website.