25 September 2014

Joint BEREC - RSPG event - Facilitating access to radio spectrum - lessons learned after 20 years of auctions

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The joint BEREC -  RSPG workshop, as foreseen in the Berec 2014 Work Programme, is aimed to stimulate debate on facilitating access to radio spectrum by focusing on spectrum awards over the last 20 years of liberalisation and lessons learnt, both good and bad, with sights from both the auction design and competition sides.

The event will be held on 11 November 2014.

Participation at the event is open only to BEREC and RSPG members and is subject to prior registration. Registration is open till 30 October 2014.

The draft agenda of the event is available here.

The workshop is seen as a good opportunity for an exchange of experiences among members of both organisations. The workshop could furthermore provide relevant input to the RSPG Working Group on Efficient awards and use of spectrum, for its ongoing activities.