06 October 2021

Harmonised definitions for over-the-top services indicators

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To help National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) and stakeholders collect relevant data regarding over-the-top (OTT) services, BEREC has elaborated its harmonised definitions for a limited number of indicators. In defining the metrics, BEREC focused on the voice, video and messaging interpersonal communication services provided over the internet (NI-ICS) and on video streaming services. 

During the 48th BEREC plenary meeting, the Board of Regulators adopted the “BEREC Report on harmonised definitions for indicators regarding over-the-top services, relevant to the electronic communications markets”. In the future, the identified indicators are expected to reduce the costs borne by service providers for complying with the data requests of different authorities.

The metric definitions included in the Report are seen as a minimum, targeted list to cover the majority of the NRAs’ informational needs and optimize the data collection processes under their remit, to the benefit of the smooth monitoring of markets and to the stakeholders’ convenience. At the same time, NRAs are granted flexibility in ultimately deciding on which metrics to focus more, as well as with respect to the data collection periods. Keeping in mind that the final indicators included in the Report may not cover all the NRAs’ future needs for data, BEREC stresses that NRAs requesting data should at all times justify the necessity of the data, consider the proportionality of the request and attend to any confidentiality-related issues. In drafting this Report, BEREC has considered the views stakeholders expressed during the workshop and through their written contributions to the public consultation. 

In the future, BEREC will continue to evaluate the list of common indicators and may add, remove or adjust indicators to ensure a continued harmonisation of the data collected by NRAs and adjust it to their needs.

Opportunity to engage with BEREC experts

On 6 October 2021, BEREC will hold a public debriefing to present the adopted documents. The BEREC Chair, Michel Van Bellinghen (BIPT, Belgium), and the Co-chairs of the BEREC Working Groups will present BEREC’s recent work and reply to stakeholders’ questions. Please register your interest in attending the event.

On 28 October 2021, BEREC will hold its Stakeholder Forum. This time, it envisages an informal atmosphere for meeting the Working Group Co-chairs and sharing ideas and views on the current challenges in telecoms. Places are limited, therefore register your participation on time.