28 June 2023
Gigabit connectivity initiatives in the spotlight of the BEREC engagement with the key EU stakeholders

Draft Gigabit Recommendation and the legislative proposal for Gigabit Infrastructure Act (GIA) were the main topics during the meetings between the BEREC delegation and the EU institutions on 19 and 28 June in Brussels. BEREC Chair, Prof. Kostas Masselos (EETT, Greece), accompanied by one of the Fixed Network Evolution Co-Chairs met with both the Council of the European Union's Working Party on Telecommunications and Information Society and the European Economic and Social Committee. The agenda of the 19 June meeting centered on BEREC's analysis of the European Commission's legislative proposal for GIA, aimed at advancing the EU's 2030 connectivity targets. During the meetings, BEREC discussed harmonized rules and highlighted the potential of the GIA to unlock the efficient promotion of Very High Capacity Networks (VHCN). The delegation explained BEREC’s suggestions for improving the draft GIA.
Furthermore, the BEREC Chair and the Co-Chairs of the Remedies and Market Monitoring Working Group met with the Committee of Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) at the European Parliament on 28 June. The meeting focused on the draft European Commission Recommendation for Gigabit Connectivity and was open to the public. During the session, the BEREC delegation had the opportunity to exchange views about BEREC’s suggestions for improving the Draft Gigabit Recommendation and engage in a Q&A session.
In May of 2023, the Board of Regulators adopted the Opinion on the draft Gigabit Recommendation, raising some concerns and providing comments to improve the document. When adopted, the Gigabit Recommendation will guide the National Regulatory Authorities on the conditions of access to telecom networks of SMP operators to accelerate the rollout of Gigabit networks. BEREC members also adopted the analysis of a legislative proposal to GIA, welcoming the EC’s initiative as an essential building block to achieve the 2030 connectivity targets.