27 November 2018

EECC: “BEREC will provide certainty and predictability”

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Today, 27 November 2018, BEREC Chair Johannes Gungl held a keynote speech at the ecta Regulatory Conference 2018: “After 20 years: Competition past, present and future”.

In the past, BEREC contributed to the development of the new Electronic Communications Code (EECC) with its expertise gained in almost ten years. Now, the Code is about to be published and in the near future BEREC will help to implement it in the Member States consistently.

Gungl noted that some rules in the Code are completely new and therefore have to be interpreted without drawing on jurisdiction or earlier decisions or Commission guidance. Thus, there is little experience on that which adds uncertainty in the first place.

In the upcoming two years, BEREC will issue eleven Guidelines to help implementing the EECC. For Gungl, they will be important in turning the Code provisions into useful tools: “We will be engaging with the industry as we develop them and hopefully we will answer as many questions as possible to provide certainty and predictability. I am very confident that the implementation and the application of the new rules will be consistent across Europe as we have shown on the Net Neutrality Regulation.”