11 December 2019

Digital platforms and security issues especially in relation to 5G networks - BEREC presents the Work Programme for 2020

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Implementation of the new EECC continues to be at the forefront of BEREC’s work. In 2020 BEREC will also tackle new topics such as digital platforms and security issues especially in relation to 5G networks. Today, at the last public debriefing in 2019, the BEREC Chair Jeremy Godfrey (ComReg, Ireland) together with the incoming Chair Dan Sjöblom (PTS, Sweden) presented the Work Programme for the next year.

The Work Programme 2020 reflects BEREC’s commitment to serve as a body for thoughtful and proactive debate and advice for the European Parliament, the European Council and the European Commission in the electronic communications field. BEREC will closely follow the development of the new Commission’s agenda, which identifies “digital” as one of its top three priorities. Furthermore, BEREC’s future goals are to play an important role in improving the consistent application of regulatory rules, to enhance its working methodology and to develop and broaden its stakeholder cooperation and engagement efforts. In 2020 BEREC will also revise its strategic objectives and decide on a new Strategy.

To understand BEREC stakeholder’s priorities and get some suggestions on topics to be considered for BEREC’s work in 2020, in the first quarter of 2019 the incoming Chair Dan Sjöblom launched the call for first inputs. Later, the draft BEREC Work Programme 2020 was subject to public consultation, which ran from 7 October to 6 November 2019.

In order to ensure early engagement with stakeholders during the preparation of the BEREC Work Programme, the BEREC Chair announced that the annual Stakeholder Forum will be organized on the 1st April instead of in October as previous years – so please save the date! Jeremy Godfrey invited all interested parties to prepare for fruitful discussions with the BEREC Chair and announced that for the first time in 2020 the BEREC is giving the opportunity for stakeholders to talk one-on-one with the Co-Chairs of the BEREC Working Groups in a specially organized “meet & greet” session.