30 April 2020

Connectivity – essential in times of crisis

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On 28 and 29 April, BEREC has joined series of virtual panel discussions on connectivity and spectrum to talk on how the     COVID-19 impacts the development and roll-out of the next generation systems.

During the session on the award and valuation of spectrum, the BEREC Vice-Chair Michel Van Bellinghen (BIPT, Belgium) looked at how the award and release of spectrum bands is being affected by Covid-19 in Europe and confirmed that “the current crisis has clearly demonstrated that connectivity is essential and a must have for all parts of society. The telecom sector is thereby demonstrating that spectrum generates significant value in all dimensions. In this unequalled situation, BEREC’s task is to remain vigilant and assure that measures taken during the COVID-19 crisis are  pragmatic and subject to regular review. We are dedicated to supporting the continuity of the service together with the sector,” he said. During the discussion, the incoming BEREC Chair for 2021 emphasized that, despite the pause mode of spectrum auctions in some parts of Europe, it is important to note, that awards are being planned and spectrum is being made available.

The other BEREC Vice-Chair Jeremy Godfrey participated to the session “Keeping the World Connected in Times of Crisis”, which discussed measures that governments and industry around the world are taking to ensure the continuation of strong, robust connectivity services and some of the challenges they face.

The series of virtual panel discussions – “Spectrum, Connectivity, COVID-19: Keeping the engine of society running in times of crisis” took place from 28-30 April, 2020 organized by Forum Europe. The virtual event gathered together number of distinguished speakers representing regulators, telecoms associations and companies.