11 April 2023

BEREC study trip to South Korea

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With a view to exploring technological developments, regulatory aspects and best practices in policy and regulation outside Europe, a delegation from BEREC has undertaken a study trip to South Korea from 3 to 7 April 2023. Having a global perspective enables European regulators to better anticipate trends and develop timely and efficient regulatory proposals.

During their visit, the BEREC delegation held multiple meetings with Korean governmental and regulatory authorities, leading industry market players, academia and innovation ecosystems. Discussions centered around South Korea’s telecoms market and deployment of electronic communications, digital platforms and systems, the technology advancements towards 6G, as well as regulatory aspects concerning end-user rights, the network investment challenges, cybersecurity and digital regulations. 

"The study trip to South Korea was a valuable opportunity for BEREC to exchange knowhow and enforce its international awareness regarding regulatory and technological advancements" said BEREC Chair, Prof. Kostas Masselos. 

During the study visit, the BEREC delegation had the opportunity to gain insights into emerging technological trends in South Korea and their potential impact on the regulatory landscape. The South Korean counterparts also presented the role of electronic communications and artificial intelligence in medicine and accessibility. 

BEREC Chair Kostas Masselos will present the key outcomes of the study trip at the upcoming public debriefing, which will take place on 14 June 2023.  

The BEREC delegation consisted of Prof. Kostas Masselos, BEREC Chair; Mr Tonko Obuljen, Mr Robert Mourik, Ms Annemarie Sipkes, Mr Wilhelm Eschweiler, BEREC Vice-Chairs; Mr Branko Kovijanić, representative of the participants without voting rights; and Mr László Ignéczi, Director of the BEREC Office.

BEREC study trip to South Korea