06 April 2021

BEREC publishes the first summary report in 2021 on the status of internet network capacity, regulatory and other measures in light of the Covid-19 crisis

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Following the COVID-19 pandemic, BEREC started a special reporting mechanism to ensure regular monitoring of the Internet traffic situation in each Member State. BEREC just published its first quarterly overview of 2021.

In the first three months of 2021, the traffic on fixed and mobile networks have increased during the Covid-19 crisis; however, no major congestion issues have ever been reported – says the new BEREC summary report, published on 6 April 2021.

The published report summarises the main updates of an ongoing information-gathering exercise, and includes the most recent data provided to BEREC by its constituent National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) as of 30 March 2021 to indicate the overall status on internet capacity in their respective countries. Four NRAs have provided updates of substance on the status of internet capacity in their Member State, while 22 NRAs have explicitly mentioned that either the situation remains stable or there is nothing new to report.

The National Regulatory Authorities also have responded to the BEREC request on the telecommunications networks' overall status in their respective countries, based on a traffic lights categorisation. All the NRAs reported that networks are working well; Covid-19 is not creating issues for Internet Authentication Service's (IAS) availability or general quality.

BEREC will continue the monthly information-gathering exercise. In case of a sufficient amount of new information from NRAs, BEREC will publish the summary report every month.  Otherwise, the standard publication periodicity will be quarterly.