10 October 2018

BEREC launches four public consultations to run until 7 and 21 November

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On 10 October 2018, during the public debriefing, BEREC launched four public consultations: on pricing for access to infrastructure and civil works, on contractual simplification, on the BEREC Work Programme 2019 and on issues to be taken into account by BEREC in relation to the data economy.

All the public consultations will be open for four consecutive weeks until 7 November 2018, except the one on data economy which will run for six weeks – until 21 November 2018.

Public consultation on the data economy

The role of data becomes increasingly relevant in most sectors of the economy. The telecommunication sector is no exception, especially given its growing interactions with other sectors that are at the core of data economy – online platforms, audio-visual content providers, sensors collecting data, and others. BEREC considers that it is important to study implications derived from data economy. For example, BEREC wants to find out, how the data economy will affect the market of electronic communications services and identify potential bottlenecks. Also of interests are leverage of market power and conglomerate effects, other potential competition issues derived from the use of data as well as opportunities and risks for consumers.


BEREC is fully committed in enhancing transparency and participation to its activities, and therefore encourages all stakeholders to submit their contributions via the BEREC online public consultation platform which will be available together with the traditional email submission.