29 May 2012

BEREC has published a press release on net neutrality findings and new guidance for consultation.

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BEREC has published a press release on net neutrality findings and new guidance for consultation. You may read it here.

This press release introduces the various works of BEREC made public at the same time:

- a snapshot of the current situation – this document named “a view of traffic management and other practices resulting in restrictions to the open Internet in Europe” presents the findings from BEREC’s and the European Commission’s joint investigation. It is available here. NOTE: Annex with detailed figures has been included in the snapshot (5 June) 

- three documents analyzing various topics related to Net Neutrality, for which BEREC is holding a public consultation. An explanatory paper on the consultation has been published at the same time.

These are the documents in consultation: 
1. BoR (12) 32 - Guidelines for Quality of Service in the scope of Net Neutrality - Draft for public consultation 
2. BoR (12) 33 - An assessment of IP-interconnection in the context of Net Neutrality - Draft report for public consultation 
3. BoR (12) 31 - Differentiation practices and related competition issues in the scope of Net Neutrality - Draft report for public consultation

The public consultation on the three documents is open until 31 July 2012. Responses can be sent to the BEREC Program Management mailbox at [email protected]. Comments should preferably be given in English.