11 August 2020

BEREC emphasizes the significance of its constituent NRAs independence

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BEREC has adopted a new statement, sharing concerns on the measures taken by some Member States that could hamper national regulatory authorities’ (NRAs) independence. BEREC emphasizes that the independence of the NRAs is of paramount importance for impartial and effective decision-making, to safeguard the internal market, promoting sustainable competition, efficient investment and the interests of the citizens of the Union.

By pointing to the importance of actively monitoring any developments in the domain of NRAs independence, the document recalls its statement of 2012. BEREC invites the Commission to continue to monitor developments and proactively guard against any action that undermines the independent regulatory authorities’ ability to perform their functions, as foreseen in the European Electronic Communications Code. In its statement, BEREC also underlines, that the requirements laid in the Code to foster regulatory stability and autonomy, do not prevent supervision and accountability on the way NRAs are exercising their tasks to national Parliaments and scrutiny of appeal bodies and Courts or Tribunals.