26 November 2018

BEREC Chair speaks at CRC’s 20th anniversary conference

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The Bulgarian Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) celebrated its 20th anniversary with a conference entitled "Communications, results, connectivity". On this occasion, the participants discussed the new rules laid down in the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC).

BEREC Chair Johannes Gungl noted the active role of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union for the EECC adoption. He then reminded that there is still work to do for safeguarding the single market: “Now, all NRAs and BEREC are required to help implementing the new Code consistently.” BEREC will provide many inputs that contribute to the implementation of the EECC. “We will publish a set of 11 guidelines on various topics and we will provide a number of opinions to the European Commission, such as on termination rates or on an end-user contract information sheet,” Gungl said.