02 March 2023

BEREC announces the programme of its 11th Stakeholder Forum

The image includes the BEREC logo and the text 11th Stakeholder Forum on 30 March 2023 on a green background

The EU Data Act, an accessible future for end-users with disabilities, future of regulation in the Digital era and the early call for input to the BEREC Work Programme 2024 – these are some of the topics to be discussed at the BEREC Stakeholder Forum on 30 March 2023 in Brussels, Belgium, and online. 

Workstreams 2024
BEREC plans to kick off the conference with an introduction to the outline of the Work Programme 2024 by the incoming BEREC Chair, Tonko Obuljen (HAKOM, Croatia) and invite stakeholders for an early input on the proposal. Together with the current BEREC Chair, Kostas Masselos (EETT, Greece), they will engage in the Questions and Answers session with the event participants. 

EU Data Act, accessibility and the future of regulation
Another important discussion at the conference will focus on the Data Act – a fundamental prerequisite for seizing the opportunities of the digital era – presented by experts of the European Commission and BEREC.

This time, at the conference BEREC will also draw attention to the relevance of accessibility of electronic communications services for end-users with disabilities and the role of regulation in the digital era, serving also as an educational platform. All panel discussions and stakeholder engagement will be facilitated by the moderator, Philippe Defraigne (Cullen International). 

Participation in the event is subject to prior registration.  

About the event
The Stakeholder Forum is the major annual BEREC public event that brings together top telecoms experts and field professionals for exchanging views on the relevant issues in the telecommunications sector. The event also serves as a platform for engagement and discussion on BEREC’s work plans for the upcoming year. 

This year BEREC will maintain its established tradition in terms of the format of the event. It will start with the Meet&Greet sessions with the Working Group Co-chairs until lunchtime and then continue with a conference. 

More detailed information can be found in the Agenda