26 September 2018

BEREC and Digitaleurope met in Vienna, Austria

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Pushing investments and connectivity - this was the main topic to discuss, when BEREC Chair Johannes Gungl met the General Director of Digitaleurope, Cecilia Bonefeld-Dahl yesterday, 25 September 2018. For Bonefeld-Dahl connectivity is the cornerstone for Digitaleurope’s activities. To achieve both higher investments and more connectivity she sees harmonisation and a true single market as crucial.

"In BEREC’s current Work Programme, harmonisation is a high priority," said Gungl. "BEREC will continue to drive harmonisation when drafting the guidelines foreseen in the EECC." As the most recent measure regarding connectivity and investments, BEREC called for tenders for a study on Investments in Very High Capacity Networks. It will provide insight into the complex interplay of factors which impact investment in telecommunication networks.