01 October 2020

Annemarie Sipkes – the newly elected BEREC Chair 2022

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Today, on 1 October 2020, the BEREC Board of Regulators elected the BEREC Chair for 2022, Annemarie Sipkes – the Director of the Telecommunications, Transport and Postal Services Department at the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM).

Annemarie Sipkes, M.Sc.in economics, MA in Arts, Sciences and Technology has been the Director of ACM’s Telecommunications, Transport and Postal Services Department since April 2018. Ms Sipkes has profound public sector experience. She worked from 2012 until 2018, as the Director of Knowledge and Strategy at the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. She also worked at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, the Dutch Central Bank, as well as at the accountancy company KPMG.

Annemarie Sipkes: “I welcome the opportunity to work with my fellow European regulators to further strengthening connectivity in Europe”.

In 2021, Annemarie Sipkes will serve as a Vice-Chair and the incoming BEREC Chair 2022. The other elected Vice-Chairs are Alejandra Iturriaga de Gandini (CNMC, Spain) and Jesmond Bugeja (MCA, Malta) together with Dan Sjöblom (PTS, Sweden) as the outgoing BEREC Chair. They will support Michel Van Bellinghen (BIPT, Belgium) - the BEREC Chair 2021. Together with the representative of participants without voting rights - Dr Rainer Schnepfleitner (AK, Lichtenstein) the BEREC Chair and Vice-Chairs will compose the Mini-Board.

The Board of Regulators appoints its Chair and Vice-Chairs from among its members. The term of office of the Chair and the Vice-Chairs is one year. Before serving her/his term as a Chair for one year, the Chair firstly has to serve one year as a Vice-Chair. For ensuring continuity of BERECs' work, the Chair has to serve as a Vice-Chair for the year following her/his term as the Chair. Every year the Board of Regulators appoints the Chair for the year subsequent to the following year and the Vice-Chairs for the following year.