06 July 2020

8th BEREC Stakeholder Forum goes virtual

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Due to the uncertain situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the BEREC 8th Stakeholder Forum will be a virtual event. It will take place on 19 October 2020 at 14:00 CEST. The new format will provide the opportunity for the event participants to engage with the speakers in real-time via AVC connection.

Earlier this year BEREC has already outlined the main topic of the Stakeholder Forum, namely - regulation of digital platforms. As every year, the incoming BEREC Chair will also introduce the stakeholders with the draft BEREC Work Programme for the next year. Stakeholders are invited to follow the thematic discussions relevant to the current challenges in the telecoms market and its regulation, as well actively engage in the Q&A session with the current BEREC Chair Dan Sjöblom (PTS, Sweden), the incoming BEREC Chair 2021 Michel Van Bellinghen (BIPT, Belgium) as well as the incoming BEREC Chair for 2022. 

More information on the Stakeholder Forum agenda will follow at a later stage. To receive the latest updates on BEREC documents and events, we encourage subscribing to our Stakeholders mailing list.

The registration is already open on the BEREC website. We invite the registered participants to send their questions in advance to [email protected]. These inquiries will be prioritized during the Q&A session of the event.

The previously announced “Meet & Greet” session with the BEREC Working Group Co-chairs is postponed until it will be possible to meet physically without restrictions.