15 December 2009

15 December 2009
The ERG is also holding a Public Consultation on the document "ERG (09) 51 Business Services " attached here. The Public Consultation is open to all interested parties.
Responses should be sent to the ERG Secretariat via erg@ec.europa.eu no later than 1 February 2010, with the words ERG Business Services in the subject heading, and specifying any confidential content of the response. Unless so specified, responses will be published on the ERG Website.
A Public hearing will also be held in Brussels on 29 January 2010. If you wish to attend please complete the registration form and return it by e-mail to [email protected]. You will then be sent an official invitation letter which must be brought to gain admission to the meeting.
Documents approved for publication at the 31st Plenary can be found here.