Public debriefing on the outcomes of the 55th BEREC ordinary meetings
On 14 June 2023, BEREC held an online Public debriefing to present the latest documents and initiatives that were discussed and adopted at the 55th BEREC ordinary meetings that took place 8-9 June 2023 in Montenegro. The debriefing was live-streamed on BEREC’s website.
During the event, the BEREC Chair 2023 Kostas Masselos and the Working Group Co-chairs presented the following topics:
- BEREC's contribution to the European Commission's (EC) exploratory consultation ;
- BEREC Opinion on Gigabit Recommendation ;
- BEREC's analysis of EC's legislative proposal on the Gigabit Infrastructure Act ;
- Draft BEREC Report on practices and challenges of the phasing out of 2G and 3G ;
- BEREC Report on interoperability for number-independent interpersonal communication services (NI-ICS) ;
- BEREC report on the monitoring of the Joint Statement between EU-UA operators .
Other topics discussed were the working arrangements with the Balkan countries , the work of the High-Level Group for Digital Markets Act, the main takeaways from the BEREC study trip to South Korea , as well as the outcomes of the workshops on the LEO satellites and the Data Act . Furthermore, the BEREC Chair provided information on the upcoming BEREC Market and Economic Analysis Working Group workshop on competition dynamics of tower and access infrastructure companies that will take place on 20 June 2023. During the event, interested stakeholders were able to ask questions during two dedicated Q&A sessions.
Check out the list of public documents adopted during the BEREC ordinary meetings.
Watch the recorded video on our multimedia page.