Public debriefing on the outcomes of the 52nd BEREC ordinary meetings
On 12 October 2022 in Brussels, at the IRG Secretariat, Rue de la Science 14, 3rd floor, BEREC held a public debriefing to present the outcomes of the latest plenary meetings. The public debriefing was also livestreamed on BEREC’s website.
During the public debriefing, the BEREC Chair, Annemarie Sipkes (ACM Netherlands), and the BEREC Working Group Co-chairs presented the documents that were adopted during the plenary meetings. Among the topics discussed were:
- BEREC preliminary assessment of the underlying assumptions of payments from large CAPs to ISPs and IP-IC work stream;
- Draft BEREC Opinion on EC’s Delegated Regulation with measures to ensure effective access to emergency services through emergency communications to the single European emergency number ‘112’;
- BEREC Wholesale Roaming Guidelines;
- BEREC Report on the 5G Value Chain.
The BEREC Chair 2023 and the BEREC Working Group Co-chairs also presented the following documents for public consultations:
- Draft BEREC Work Programme 2023;
- Draft Report on Comparison Tools and Accreditation.
Furthermore, the BEREC Chair reported on the outcome of the elections for the BEREC Chair for 2024 and the new composition of the BEREC Mini-Board 2023. This consists of the BEREC Chair, the four Vice-Chairs and the representative of the countries without voting rights.
During the meeting, physically present and virtually participating stakeholders were able to ask questions during two dedicated Q&A sessions.
A list of publicly available and related documents is available on the website.
Recorded video of the Public debriefing
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