BEREC workshop on the NRA experiences with 5G
On 23 September 2021 BEREC organised a virtual workshop for NRAs’ and RSPG’s experts to continue to develop an understanding of how service availability in mobile networks using 5G technology can be predicted/calculated.
Four key background information documents were used to inform the content for the workshop as follows:
- NRA questionnaire / desk research conducted by experts in 2021;
- BEREC’s feasibility study on development of coverage information for 5G deployments, BoR (20) 33 (see link here)
- the Common Position on information for consumers on mobile coverage BoR (18) 237 (see link here); and
- Preliminary report in view of a Common Position on monitoring mobile coverage BoR (17) 186 (see link here).
During the workshop speakers shared their views about the following topics:
- challenges in mapping of 5G mobile network coverage;
- case studies;
- difference between 4G and 5G regarding coverage prediction;
- transforming into 5G mapping;
- complexities of meeting the expectations of end-users when it comes to 5G;
- 5G coverage information and QoS metrics for use by verticals, etc.
In a breakout sessions workshop’s participants shared their views and observations on the following topics: expectations of consumers/verticals, issues surrounding meeting expectations and differences in terms of mapping 5G.
The workshop achieved the main objective - to build a collective appreciation of how to manage generating information to users on 5G that do not have a wide gap between predicted and actual service/experience levels in terms of coverage.
The reality of mapping 5G, however, remains largely unclear. BEREC intends to continue monitoring developments and to facilitate information sharing between NRAs, which may result in defining a suitable project on this topic in the coming years.
The workshop was well attended by 72 participants (NRAs; OCAs, European Commission, and invited industry representatives) and BEREC thanks participants for sharing their views.
Here you may find the Summary Report on the workshop, approved by the BEREC Board of Regulators on 9 December 2021, together with the presentations from stakeholders.