Joint ENISA-BEREC Workshop on 5G cybersecurity toolbox developments and way(s) forward
On 21 December 2020, 14:00 - 16:00 CET, BEREC together with ENISA held a workshop under the title "5G cybersecurity toolbox developments and way(s) forward” via web-streaming.
The event was opened by Dan Sjoblom, BEREC Chair 2020, Juhan Lepassaar, Executive Director of ENISA and Lorena Boix Alonso, Director of Digital Society, Trust and Cybersecurity Directorate of the European Commission.
The workshop explored the following areas:
1. EU-wide 5G Cybersecurity toolbox implementation process (EC, DG CNECT H)
2. Implementation of the 5G Cybersecurity toolbox Technical Measures (ENISA)
3. 5G Cybersecurity toolbox Strategic Measures 5 and 6 – a market and regulatory perspective (BEREC)
The last part of the event was dedicated to questions and answers session.
Deatiled agenda is availabe here.
Presenations made at the workshop are now available.