Extraordinary plenary meeting
The extraordinary plenary meetings took place on 25 August 2016 in Brussels, hosted by the BEREC Office. During the meeting, the BoR discussed and/or approved the following documents:
Documents approved for publication:
- BEREC Guidelines on Regulators’ Implementation of European Net Neutrality rules;
- BEREC Report on the outcomes of public consultation on draft BEREC Guidelines on regulators’ Implementation of European Net neutrality rules;
- Factsheet about BEREC’s Net Neutrality Guidelines;
- Press release on BEREC’s Net Neutrality Guidelines.
Documents approved for internal use:
- Draft BEREC input to the Commission’s ideas on the scope of the Regulatory Framework Discussion on topics of strategic importance
During the Extraordinary Plenary Meeting, the BoR members discussed with Commissioner Oettinger strategic issues of the telecom sector, particularly on the state of play of the review of the Regulatory Framework, in particular on access regulation, spectrum, services and institutional aspects.