4th Contact Network meeting for 2013 in Germany
The BEREC Contact Network (CN) held its fourth meeting for 2013 on 14 and 15 November 2013 in Berlin, Germany, kindly hosted by the German Federal Network Agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Post and Railway (BNetzA).
The meeting was attended by representatives of the National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) established in each EU Member State, EFTA States and the States that are candidates for accession to the EU with primary responsibility for overseeing the day-to-day operation of the markets for electronic communications networks and services. The European Commission also took part in the meeting and was also represented at an appropriate level.
The meeting was held in compliance with the draft meeting agenda and the CN discussed all topics to be passed to the Board of Regulators and the Management Committee of the BEREC Office during their forthcoming meetings to take place in Budapest on 5 and 6 December 2013.
In particular the meeting reached the following main conclusions:
The CN agreed to submit the following draft documents to the BoR:
As ‘A’ items (without discussion):
- Draft BoR Decision on BEREC Expert Working Groups (EWGs) and draft Project Requirements Definitions (PRDs) for the implementation of the BEREC 2014 Work Programme (WP);
- Draft BEREC Termination Rates Benchmark Snapshot (as of July 2013);
- Draft BEREC report on transparency and comparability of different roaming tariffs.
As regular items (with presentation and discussion):
- Draft 2014 BEREC WP and draft Report on the outcome of the public consultation;
- Revised Common Position on Geographic Aspects of Market Analysis;
- Revenue indicators in relation to bundled services.
More information on discussions and the conclusions made by the BEREC CN during the meeting can be found in the meeting conclusions provided below.
The forthcoming CN meeting in 2013 was the last one under the 2013 chairmanship of the BEREC CN Chair Dr Minas Karatzoglou from the Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT).