3rd Contact Network meeting for 2013 in the Netherlands
The BEREC CN held its 3rd meeting for 2013 on 5 and 6 September 2013 in The Hague (The Netherlands), kindly hosted by the Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) of the Netherlands. The CN considered all documents to be submitted to the forthcoming BEREC plenary meeting to be held in Riga on 26 and 27 September 2013, as follows:
I. Documents to be submitted to the Board of Regulators (BoR)
The CN agreed to submit the following draft documents to the BoR:
1. As ‘A’ items (without discussion):
1.1. Draft Internal Guidelines for the elaboration of BEREC Opinions in Article 7 and 7a phase II cases (approval for internal use).
1.2. Draft BEREC International Roaming Compliance Report (Regulation (EU) No 531/512 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 2012 on Roaming) (approval for publication).
1.3. Draft International Roaming BEREC Benchmark Data Report July 2012 – March 2013 (approval for publication).
1.4. Draft BEREC Report Regulatory Accounting in Practice 2013 (approval for publication).
2. As regular items (with presentation and discussion):
2.1. For approval for public consultation:
- Up-dated BEREC Medium-term Strategy Outlook;
- Draft 2014 BEREC Work Programme (WP).
2.2. For approval for publication and implementation: draft Methodology for monitoring the implementation of the BEREC Common Positions (CPs) on Wholesale Local Access (WLA), Wholesale Broadband Access (WBA) and Wholesale Leased Lines (WLL).
2.3. For consideration and agreement on the next steps:
- Ecosystemdynamics in NN developments from an end-user perspective;
- Internal interim report on M2M;
- Data strategy on electronic communications services - towards a joint information sharing system between DG CONNECT, BEREC and NRAs.
2.4. For approval for signature: draft BEREC - Regulatel MoU.
2.5. For approval for internal use:
- Mid-term Review of BEREC WP 2013;
- Draft Internal Guidelines for the provision of BEREC’s assistance to NRAs on regulatory issues pursuant to Articles 2(b), 3(1)(e) and (l) of the BEREC Regulation;
- Implementation and development of Article 21 of the Framework Directive. Draft BEREC internal Guidelines.
2.6. For information only:
- BEREC WP 2013 status update;
- Conclusion from the 6th assessment of the recent Article 7/7a Phase II cases.
II. Documents to be submitted to the BEREC Office Management Committee (MC):
The CN agreed to submit the following draft documents to the MC:
1. As ‘A’ items (without discussion): draft2014 BEREC Office WP.
2. As regular items (with presentation and discussion):
- For approval: draft reply by the MC to ECA’s observations on the Final Account of the BEREC Office for 2012;
- Draft BEREC Intranet Concept Paper.
The Contact Network is a specific type of Expert Working Group, composed of senior representatives of all BEREC Members and is chaired by a representative of the BEREC Chair. The Contact Network ensures coordination of all the proposals to be considered by the Board of Regulators and the BEREC Office Management Committee.